The Madd Kappa Rho Chapter
Almost since the beginning, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity,
Inc., has maintained a three-pronged action plan to carry out the Fraternity's
motto, 1. Bigger and Better Business
(1925)- a program that
helps the promotion of small black businesses and entrepreneurship among
individuals. It aids them in competing and become viable forces in today's
business environment. 2. Social Action (1945)- A program that was implemented
to protect the rights and civil liberties of blacks and other minorities from
discrimination and other forms of injustices. 3. Education (1914)- A program since our organization's inception that focuses on the need for higher education which we try to make available to students through scholarships and endowments. We the men of Phi Beta Sigma recognize the importance of "scholarship" and diligent studying to acquire knowledge, for knowledge is truly power and it is a necessity of our people to empower themselves with whatever means that are available. Other programs that Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., sponsors are: 1. Our National mentoring program, The Sigma Beta Club, one of the more notable accomplishments of the Fraternity, has helped to shape and mold young men and boys nationwide. 2. Phi Beta Sigma National Federal Credit Union located in Washington, D.C., and owned and operated by Sigma Men. 3. Project S.A.T.A.P. (Sigmas Against Teenage Pregnancy) this program is a collaborative venture with the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation to address the alarming rise in teenage pregnancy. The Sigma Against Teen-Age Pregnancy project is geared towards reducing the incidence of teen-age pregnancies in predominantly African-American communities. The project is an educational outreach program for adolescent males, designed to increase awareness of the consequences of early childbearing and to provide information about healthy lifestyle behaviors, sexuality and parenthood. 4. PROJECT: S.A.D.A. (Sigmas Against Domestic Abuse) The goal of Sigmas Against Domestic Abuse (S.A.D.A) is to reduce the incidence of domestic abuse from a male prospective. At least once a year every chapter is encouraged to conduct a workshop on domestic abuse. Through the recruitment of appropriate city/state/government agencies, along with other organizations, Phi Beta Sigma attempts to play a vital role in educating males about their responsibility in appropriately addressing and eliminating the problems of domestic abuse. Phi Beta Sigma attempts to be an advocating group against domestic abuse and a conduit for those individuals needing assistance related to domestic abuse. 5. PROJECT S.A.S (Sigmas Assisting Seniors) Sigmas Assisting Seniors (S.A.S.) is to develop positive relationships with our elders. At least once a year every chapter, both collegiate and alumni, is asked to adopt a senior citizen center in their immediate area. Once adopting a center, the brothers along with the administrative staff of the senior center, will share their gift of love by developing a one-day project for them to conduct with the seniors. Involvement may include educational activities, field trips, participation in the center activities etc. S.A.S attempts to enhance the dignity and independence of seniors. 6. Project S.E.R (Sigmas Emergency Response) In a humanitarian way Phi Beta Sigma attempts to participate in activities that require action and to respond to circumstances that necessitate assistance. A major focus of this project is to respond in times where disaster relief is needed as a result of major storms, fires, accidents and disaster. Projects S.E.R. attempts to assist with restoring basic living requirements, dignity and self-reliance. Providing food, clothing, and financial contributions is a goal of this project. This project is also intended to see men of Sigma participate in major activities such as Sigmas outstanding involvement in the 1995 Million Man March. 7. Phi Beta Sigma - "A Fraternity that Reads" Phi Beta Sigma - A Fraternity that Reads is an annual project that all collegiate and alumni chapters are encouraged to participate in. Each year chapters are to communicate with their local public libraries. In cooperation with library, members will read previously approved stories and books to the children. Local day-care centers, elementary schools, churches, Head Start agencies and, of course, Sigma Beta Clubs are considered as places where children may be obtained from. Phi Beta Sigma - A Fraternity that Reads attempts to convey to children the impotence of reading while at the same time create some additional positive black role models for our children. 8. Phi Beta Sigma's National Marrow Donor Program is intended for both members of Sigma along with all African Americans. Each member is encouraged to be listed as volunteer marrow donor on the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) Registry so that they can be contacted if ever matched with a patient in need. Additionally, every chapter within Sigma is encouraged to annually participate with the American Red Cross in their drives to increase the number of African-American volunteer marrow donor registrants. In January of each year, chapters are asked to call the NMDP at 1-800-MARROW-2 to obtain the telephone number and mailing address for their specific donor center. Sigma attempts to address the need for more African American volunteers by setting a positive example themselves. 9. Sigma I.D. Day April 15th of every year is Sigma I.D. Day. All brothers, officers and chapters are expected to exert special efforts at wearing and displaying Phi beta Sigma paraphernalia. Special programs and projects are encouraged to be facilitated on this day. It is hoped that on this day, every year, inactive brothers may be stimulated to get reactivated and non-Greek lettered men may be energized to ascertain information from brothers being "Proud To Wear & Display The Blue & White." 10. Phi Beta Sigma - "Buying Black and Giving Back" All brothers and chapters are strongly encouraged to physically assist and financially support minority business both in and surrounding their various neighborhoods. In an effort to significantly enhance this effort all Sigmas' in business are expected to have their business listed in the Phi Beta Sigma "Blue Pages" Business Directory. Furthermore, brothers are asked to exert special energies at supporting minority business, and publicize such, on their chapter meeting day.
This information was graciously provided by the Alpha Beta Chapter at Jackson State University.