Whether it's Sigma or Zeta, it's all Phi Beta...
As the only fraternity and sorority
"constitutionally" bound together, Zetas
and Sigmas share a bond that is often imitated, but never
duplicated in the Greek Universe. This bond lies deeper than the ones
"CLAIMED" by the Alphas
and the AKAs, the Omegas
and the Deltas, or the
Kappas and the Sigma Gamma
Rhos. This bond is recognized by both Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity, Inc. and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. headquarters.
This bond is "CONSTITUTIONALLY TRUE" in nature, and
realistic all across the universe. This bond is internationally known, locally
recognized, and publicly accepted. This bond combines two and makes us Zeta
Phi Beta Sigma, the blue and white family.
"The Great Creation"
By Soror Shennell Bonner
Alpha Eta Chapter (USF)
"In the beginning the creator
created the earth, the sun,
the moon, man, woman, and the stars above
He called his man Alpha
and woman Alpha Kappa
because they were separate
yet they were first
As time went on GOD created others
there was Kappa, Omega,
and Delta
But a year from the time of
his last creation
the creator grew agitated
He was not happy with all
he created with his hands
so He decided to create a new man
With clay rich in
knowledge and strength
he formed his body
and with the the hottest
of blue fire & white brimstone he formed his heart
When the creator placed
the pure white heart into
his ultimate man the heart began to pump
rich royal blue blood through his body
The creator said your
last name is to be Sigma
and your first Phi Beta
because no one in heaven or on earth
but GOD and the angels shall be greater
He gave Sigma his
and sent him on his way
As time went on the heart
of Sigma man grew sad
this did not please the creator
so GOD called on Sigma
to see what was wrong
"Great Creator I am lonely," said Sigma
I long for a sister who can be my friend and companion
The creator saw it was time
to create the perfect woman
He put Sigma to sleep
next to him with clay rich
with knowledge and strength
he formed her body and with
the brightest star and the
shiniest pearl he formed her heart
When he placed this
pure white heart into
her body it too began
to pump a blood rich and royal blue
The creator named her Zeta,
for she was the epitome of finer womanhood,
the true meaning of beauty and a perfect
example of what an elegant woman of GOD should be
Her last name shall be Phi Beta
not only because she is of Sigma
but also because no other woman shall be greater
Sigma took Zeta's
hand and the
creator gave them their duties
after which they went into the world
together to bring light to the world."
This information was graciously provided
by the ladies of the Quintessential Alpha
Chapter at Howard University. |